
Campus and the City
Urban Design for the Knowledge Society
Campus and the City
Verlag: gta Verlag
ISBN: 3856762183
Beiträge von: Marc Angélil, Edzo Bindels, Kees Christiaanse, Janne Corneil, Andrea Deplazes, Gunter Henn, Kerstin Hoeger, Edo Hofland, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Wilhelm Natrup, Werner Oechslin, Philip Parsons, Gerhard Schmitt, Remo Steinmetz, Zhu Wenyi, Riken Yamamoto
Sprache: Englisch
Publikationsdatum: 2007
Umfang: 320 S.,
Format: Pappband, 22 x 16 cm
In Campus and the City, trends in campus design are presented by renowned practitioners and experts in the field through a series of international examples. In addition, a collection of 30 selected projects from all over the world offers a survey of past, current and future campus developments.
Today, many new university districts are being established, particularly in the emerging Asian countries. At the same time, corporations are increasingly seeking urban strategies capable of encouraging innovation and synergy in their centres or clusters of buildings and are looking at the academic campus as a model for development. In the academic sphere, by contrast, the validity of traditional campus models is now being questioned. The introverted campus, often isolated geographically, is now perceived as being elitist.
This volume addresses important aspects of new conceptions of the campus – ranging from forms of spatial organization that promote internal knowledge transfer and social interaction, to the types of urban strategy that are needed to create sustainable centres of knowledge and learning that can respond to the changing demands of society in a flexible way.

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gta Verlag ETH Zürich
