
Family house extension
sporaarchitects - Budapest (H) - 2003
Family house extension, Foto: Andrea Häider
Family house extension, Foto: Andrea Häider
Family house extension, Foto: Andrea Häider
10. Juni 2007 - Architekturarchiv Ungarn
The building to be extended is the middle unit of three semi-detached houses located on a slope. The buildings were designed by architects for their own use in the 1960s, the actual house was constructed and built by the architect himself. The houses are connected by their exterior shape and the application of stone face-work. For them, the use of ashlar facing was a basic condition of the building licence, which led to spontaneously well-proportioned, ageless houses being constructed, representing a quality quite independent from the architecture of the period.

During the planning of the extension we stayed within this architectural medium. The building has been extended with a kitchen and dining room unit and has gone through internal modifications. The entrance has been moved to the street-side front. The dining room is connected to the fine backyard by a southwards orientated deck. On the street-side front the entrance can be seen through a small opening, while the larger corner window looks onto the attractive alpine garden nearby.

As for building materials, after several versions we finally decided to stick to stone face-work, combined with polished stone and wood-facing, which continues the simple handicraft style of the original house.

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Für den Beitrag verantwortlich: Architekturarchiv Ungarn

Ansprechpartner:in für diese Seite: nextroomoffice[at]



