
Mourning house Modra
Vojtech Krumpolec, Mária Krumpolcová, Peter Derevenec, Juraj Krumpolec, Vladimír Vodný - Modra (SK) - 2008
Mourning house Modra, Foto: AŽ PROJEKT
Mourning house Modra, Foto: AŽ PROJEKT
18. Dezember 2008 - Architekturarchiv Slowakei
Cases of commemorative architecture in Slovakia are many, only few stand out from the low standards of the romanticism applied in their architecture and aim at higher spiritual purity of he most famous ones like Crematorium in Bratislava. In this case the small version of the spiritual place is housed by architects in an attempt to mix the necessary level of simplicity with the richness of local and regional construction characteristic – brickwork surfaces, craftsmanship in metal sheeting, etc. The strong moments are hidden in the interstices of importance finding its way through uneven floor á la late modern works by architect Milučký. Te closer the proposal gets to the usual postmodern citation above the inner space for example, the weaker the impression of spiritual purity gets. However this is one of the successful followers of the modern tradition of spiritual spaces design. Peter Szalay

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