
archithese 2.2009
Sakrale Räume
archithese 2.2009
zur Zeitschrift: archithese
Herausgeber:in: FSAI
Verlag: niggli
The chapel in the Zurich Airport is dark and hidden somewhere in the depths of the terminal. Emblems of the worlds’ religions can be projected here, illuminating the space according to the visitor’s confession. Despite its everyday commonness, travel—flight above all—is connected with religious associations. A few years ago MVRDV suggested structuring a new cemetery with the image of a runway—as a contemporary symbol of eternity.

The unspectacular space at Kloten, however, shows above all that few space-forming elements are actually important for a sacral space. In the Diaspora or in their early phases the monotheistic religions were able to live with altogether unspectacular spaces. Nevertheless, most people do indeed have completely different beliefs concerning sacral spaces. The Cologne Cathedral, the Altneuschul Synagogue in Prague or the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul can be seen as epitomes of sacral architecture.

Spaces that evoke sacral atmospheres clearly need not be spaces used for a religious purpose. One speaks of temples of the muses or even temples of consumption. One makes a pilgrimage to the rock baths in Vals. And everything that reflects the zeitgeist and is trendy is regarded as „cult“. Spirituality that is no longer bound to a particular confession finds new places for the liturgy of everyday life.

This tendency is to be found within a church context in two opposite tendencies. While Central Europe’s traditional church institutions are suffering a loss of membership—causing formidable consequences for how to deal with church real estate—non-denominational churches are booking an increase in membership. In this sense, the orientation of Pope Benedict XVI—who is searching for rapprochement with the Eastern Church while at least putting decisions of the Second Vatican Council up to discussion—is thoroughly understandable as a reaction. Even dedicated atheists are capable of finding meaning in the celebration of a Latin Mass. And in the Protestant Church it is precisely those church buildings built in the 1960’s and 1970’s according to the model of the multifunctional community center and meant to be more receptive that meet upon the most rejection. Ultimately, one is dealing with symbolism, and the profane and the sacred do not necessarily come together in a harmonious manner. The debate centering upon the Gerhard Richter window in the Cologne Cathedral is just as much an example as the Mosque dispute in Germany or the Minaret Initiative in Switzerland. The editors

02 Editorial
14 Nur neue Kirchen können uns retten: Eine Bildersturm-Fantasie | Andreas Nentwich
20 Wechselspiele: Das Sakrale im Profanen – und umgekehrt | Mathias Remmele
26 Harte Hülle, expressiver Kern: Zeitgenössischer Kirchenbau in Deutschland | Uwe Hinkfoth
34 Holz und Glas: SOM - Cathedral of Christ the Light | Ahmed Sarbutu
36 Iconic element within the campus: Venturi, Scott Brown: Episcopal Academy Chapel | Robert Venturi
38 Volumen und Umfriedung: Daniele Marques: St.Franziskus, Uetikon am See | Hannes Mayer
40 Kirchenbau und Moderne: Funktion und Zeichen oder die Suche nach einer Symbolform | J. Christoph Bürkle
46 Die Leere: Sakraler Raum als Ort sozialer Interaktion | Bettina Schürkamp
52 Wiederentdeckung des Raums: Aktuelle Umnutzungskonzepte für Kirchen | Bettina Schürkamp
58 Zur Akustik sakraler Räume: Christliche Gemeindebildung zwischen Direktschall und Raumantwort | Jürgen Strauss
64 Symbolträchtige Bauskulpturen: Synagogenarchitektur in Europa, Israel und USA | Roman Hollenstein
70 Eine Stadt im Kleinen: Die Mainzer Synagoge von Manuel Herz | Roman Hollenstein
76 Orchideen im Blätterwald – Moscheen in der Diaspora: Eine Annäherung | Verena Doerfler
82 Moschee made in Germany: Inmitten algerischen Wüstenlands | Verena Doerfler
84 Minimalistisch und archaisch: Das Grabmal von F. C. Gundlach in Hamburg | Hubertus Adam

ARrchitektur Aktuell
86 Bucher Bründler Architekten: Wohnhaus Sevogelstrasse, Basel | Sandra Hofmeister
90 Valerio Olgiati: Nationalparkzentrum, Zernez | Hubertus Adam

96 Essay: Das Lehrcanapé | Silvan Blumenthal
100 Statement: Architektur von ihrem Prunkgewand entblösst | Zvi Hecker
102 Buchrezension: Holger Schulze (Hrsg.): Sound Studies
Karin Bijsterveld: Mechanical Sound | Sabine von Fischer
104 fsai
105 Neues aus der Industrie
111 Lieferbare Hefte
112 Vorschau und Impressum

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