
archithese 4.2010
archithese 4.2010
zur Zeitschrift: archithese
Herausgeber:in: FSAI
Verlag: niggli
One word has grown especially popular in recent times – the term „scenography“. Everywhere one looks courses of study dedicated to this theme are being created. Yet, the job profile and the term lack clear contours. Perhaps it is symptomatic that the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia offers merely a meager, four-sentence entry under the headword „scenography“.

Nevertheless, this issue of archithese is not about precisely defining „scenography“, which was originally related to theater. In fact, the goal is to do justice to the diversity and ambiguity of the term. Thus, the articles deal with exhibition design and stage design, scene painting and contemporary theatre forms, and interior architecture and urban events. They stretch from the ancient skene to the current tendencies in the generation of images in which real spaces interfuse with virtual elements.

Hybridation is a characteristic of contemporary, transdisciplinary event culture. Both of the large, successful opera productions by Swiss Television in the years 2008 and 2009, La Traviata in the Main Station und La Bohème in a High-Rise, were symptomatical of the melding of space, time and various media. Giacomo Puccini’s most famous work, the libretto of which is based upon the novel Les Scènes de la Vie de Bohème by Henri Murger, was transferred from the imaginary Paris of 1830 to the real, high-rise district of Gäbelbach in Bern. With the partial participation of randomly selected passersby, the story was taken up in an apartment, a laundry room, as well as in the Westside shopping mall by Daniel Libeskind and broadcasted live on television and on the Internet. A musically transformed, literary story line, fragmented by various film locations, found its scenic realization in an everyday reality, to then again be virtualized in television and completed as a musical-scenic art work. The reproduction as a ubiquitous, playable DVD presented the last step in a complex entanglement of reality and virtuality as well as of everyday life and art.

Hybridation, and this is proven by the articles in the present issue, therefore means the breakdown of heretofore valid frames of reference and reception mechanisms. Theater’s boundaries are lifted, exhibitions transcend familiar object arrangements, banality is sanctified by being an event. Whether a new gesamtkunstwerk comes into being or fashionable, souped-up samplings of the familiar, remains to be seen. In any case, the four-sentence Wikipedia entry for „scenography“ will no longer be sufficient in the future.

This issue was developed in cooperation with the post-graduate MAS Scenog¬raphy and Spatial Design course of studies of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZhdK) (Head; Stephan Trüby). www.masscenography.net
The editors

02 Editorial

Architektur Aktuell
12 Architektur der Transformation: Rem Koolhaas’ Theaterexperimente | Carsten Krohn
18 Blackbox und Happy Street: Die Architektur auf der Weltausstellung in Shanghai | Hubertus Adam
26 Interview: Stadt, Land, Raum-Fluss | Jørg Himmelreich im Gespräch mit Daniel Buchner und Andreas Bründler

36 Die gesprengte Szene: Eine kurze Geschichte der Szenografie | Stephan Trüby
42 Szenografie: Gedanken zur Eingrenzung und Aufweitung eines Begriffs Rahel Kesselring
44 Fläche und Raum; Bettina Meyer: Bühnenbild Der Hodler, Zürich| Hubertus Adam
46 Stadt – Theater – Bewegung: Szenografie zwischen urbanem Raum, Kulisse und Situation |Patrick Primavesi
52 Die Grenzen überwinden: Bühnenbilder und Stagedesigns von Es Devlin | Steffen Hägele
56 Keine Bayreuther in Laongo: Christoph Schlingensief und sein Operndorf für Afrika | Stephan Trüby im Gespräch mit Christoph Schlingensief und Francis Kéré
König Midas in Burkina Faso | Reinhard Brembeck
60 Die Raum-Kunst der Improvisation Graft: Weihnachstsoratorium, Radialsystem Berlin | Verena Doerfler
64 From Film to Exhibition| Peter Greenaway in conversation with Stephan Trüby, Flavia Horat and Dolores Renk
70 Spielgerüste, Klanggerüste: Fritz Hauser mit Boa Baumann: Schallmaschine | Hubertus Adam
72 Szenogramme: Von Ausstellungen und Vorstellungen | Matthias Götz
76 Rampe zum Mythenrad

Holzer Kobler Architekturen: Daueraussstellungen im Schweizer Landesmuseum, Zürich | Hubertus Adam
78 Display und Kontextproduktion: Zu den Arbeiten von Kuehn Malvezzi | Wilfried Kuehn
84 Digitale Realitäten: Zum Verhältnis von realem und virtuellem Raum | Markus Schaefer
90 Theater der Organe:Verkörperte Relaxationen und Projektionen| Tobias Klein
92 Szenarien der Macht – ein italienisches Bühnenstück: Über die Rolle der Architektur im populistischen Italien unter Berlusconi | Florian Dreher
98 Dramaturgie des erweiterten Laufstegs: Die Modeinszenierungen von Alexander McQueen | Steffen Hägele

102 Baugeschichten: Das Gymnasium von Max Schlup auf dem Strandboden in Biel ist bedroht | Roman Mosimann
104 Junge Architektinnen und Architekten: Chebbi/Thomet Architektinnen, Juho Nyberg
108 fsai
109 Neues aus der Industrie
116 Alpitecture 2010
118 Lieferbare Hefte
120 Vorschau und Impressum

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