
And It Came to Pass - Not to Stay
Herausgeber:in: Jaime Snyder
ISBN: 3037781327
Sprache: Englisch
Publikationsdatum: 2008
Umfang: 191 S.,
Format: Pappband, 18 x 12 cm
„And it Came to Pass – Not to Stay“ brings together Buckminster Fuller’s lyrical and philosophical best, including seven „essays“ in a form he called his „ventilated prose,“ and as always addressing the current global crisis and his predictions for the future. These essays, including „How Little I Know,“ „What I Am Trying to Do,“ „Soft Revolution,“ and „Ethics,“ put the task of ushering in a new era of humanity in the context of „always starting with the universe.“ In rare form, Fuller elegantly weaves the personal, the playful, the simple, and the profound.

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