
The Digital Turn
Design in the Era of Interactive Technologies
The Digital Turn
Verlag: Park Books
ISBN: 978-3-906027-02-9
Beiträge von: Carola Zwick, Zane Berzina, Barbara Junge, LustLab, Alan Kay, Maggie Orth, Kenya Hara, Paul Kahn, Troika, Friedrich Schmidgall, Petr van Blokland, Darryl Feldman, Constantin Andiel, Christoph Mille, Arjen Mulder, Marie O’Mahony, Susanne Stage, Simon Taylor, John Warwicker, Daniel Berwanger, Berit Greinke, Alexander Behn, Dietmar Offenhuber, Carlo Ratti, Bjorn Bertrand, Casey Reas, Friedrich Blauert, Janis Jefferies, Markus Hanzer, Nadia Graf, Adrian Muller, Michael Grosch, Nicholas Negroponte, Oliver Reiche
Sprache: English
Publikationsdatum: 2012
Umfang: 304 pages, 243 color and 34 b/w illustrations
Format: Paperback, 25 x 23 cm

The ways of representing information and content are increasingly dominated by the interactive technologies of digital media. Today design professionals must navigate the constantly changing world of digital technology in order to give consumers a positive aesthetic experience. The editors of this wide-ranging volume work in four different disciplines—conceptual development, interactive design, visual communication, and digital media—and they provide a uniquely multifaceted and profound overview of how designers can respond to the challenges posed by interactive digital technology. Looking at both the obstacles that the digital world creates for designers, and also the opportunities to do new and boundarypushing work that it provides, The Digital Turn is a complete account of designing with interactive technologies. Hundreds of images are included to supplement essays by a wide variety of international professionals, teachers, and students, all of whom deal with designing in the age of digital interaction every day.

The Digital Turn is a wide ranging survey on how designers and design can respond to today’s challenges of interactive technologies.

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