
France Bevk Library
Ravnikar Potokar, d.o.o. - Nova Gorica (SLO) - 2000
France Bevk Library, Foto: Damir Fabijanić
France Bevk Library
The library completes the final design of the Nova Gorica town centre, which was created as a new, politically, motivated entity, as the „old“ Gorica (Ital. Gorizia) remained a part of Italy after World War II. During the post-war period, the town hall was built, followed much later by a theatre.
With its form the library adapts to the existing geometry of the space, following the theory of critical regionalism, according to which an intervention can be contemporary in every sense but still needs to adapt to the context. Thus on one side the building the town hall facade is continued by means of a wall backdrop, while on the other side it opens like a fan into the park.

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Für den Beitrag verantwortlich: Architekturarchiv Slowenien

Ansprechpartner:in für diese Seite: nextroomoffice[at]



Goriška knjižnica Franceta Bevka

