
Design factory
Martin Paško, Zoran Michalčák, Zuzana Zacharová - Bratislava (SK) - 2005
Design factory, Foto: Paul Safko
Design factory, Foto: Paul Safko
27. Oktober 2008 - Architekturarchiv Slowakei
Architecture and design companies united under the name Design Factory occupy the abandoned car repair workshop on Bottova Street in Bratislava. A special kind of urban place with the hall, green trees and one-storey houses was reanimated as a microscopic piece of ancient atmosphere of the then industrial periphery. The authors of the project precisely found out what places like this one really needs - to stop their slow death that often ends up in their definitive liquidation. The showroom of design furniture was officially opened on October the 10th. The aim of the authors of this revitalization of the industrial hall is to create a new creative basis for support and deveopment of architecture, art and design of timeless values. Design Factory offers possibilities to house company meetings, presentations, lectures, seminars, and smaller exhibitions. Katarina Haberlandová

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