
Sava Square
Jelena Pančevac, Žarko Uzelac, Mihailo Timotijević - Belgrad (SRB) - 2012
Sava Square, Foto: Žarko Uzelac
2. Mai 2013 - 360BEOGRAD
Sava Square is one of the busiest central squares in Belgrade, situated in front of the main railway station. Neglected and divided by two important traffic axes, it was supposed to be revitalised and to include a memorial to all victims of the war in the former Yugoslavia and the defenders of the homeland in the nineties commissioned by the city of Belgrade. However, architects Žarko Uzelac and Jelena Pančevac together with Mihailo Timotijević have combined these two functions and turned the square into a monument, by using elements like greenery, corten steel, water and benches. Although still divided into two parts, the square has now become a coherent unity and a place to remember.

An earlier version of this text was published in A10 #46. (Text: Vesna Vučinić)

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