
archithese 1.2010
Swiss Performance 10
archithese 1.2010
zur Zeitschrift: archithese
Herausgeber:in: FSAI
Verlag: niggli
Swiss Performance has a birthday: For the tenth time archithese begins the year once again with the title „Swiss Performance“. The success was uncertain when we began the series in 2001. Yet, the attempt to sum up and draw a balance of the most important buildings of the previous year is highly valued by readers in Switzerland and abroad. Selections are unavoidably subjective, and a critical reading of the texts shows that not every single building may be completely beyond all doubts. But, food for thought they are, in any case. In light of the abundance and quality of buildings made in Switzerland or built abroad by Swiss architects, the selection is difficult. And some choices, which could have been published in this issue, were already published in past editions, while other buildings will appear in upcoming issues.

As in past years, this issue has suspended the typical archithese distinction between a thematic section and a report on current architecture – in favor of the distinction between „Swiss Performance“ and „Swiss Unlimited“. In the latter section, smaller or more experimental projects can be found once again.

The subsequent issues in 2010 adhere to the traditional pattern: Number 2 has „Large Housing Projects“ as its theme and Number 3 „Learning and Living“. „Scenography“ follows in Number 4, while archithese travels to „Russia“ with Number 5. To round off the year „Let’s go West“ portrays architects who turned their backs on Europe in the 1920’s and 1930’s, and began their careers in the United States.
The editors

02 Editorial

Architektur Aktuell
10 Meili, Peter Architekten: Centro Helvetia, Mailand
16 buzzi e buzzi architetti: Ca’Janus, Ponto Valentino
20 group8: Voliere im Genfer Stadtpark
24 lacroix|chessex architectes: Villa Sabbatini, Saint-Sulpice
28 ETH Studio Monte Rosa / Bearth & Deplazes: Neue Monte-Rosa-Hütte SAC
34 SeARCH & CMA: Ferienhaus in Vals
38 :mlzd: Erweiterung Historisches Museum Bern
42 Unger & Treina: Villa in Riedsort
48 burkhalter sumi architekten: Bürogebäude Eichhof, Luzern
52 Gigon/Guyer: Bauten für das Verkehrshaus der Schweiz in Luzern
56 Smolenicky & Partner: Tamina Therme, Bad Ragaz
60 Park Architekten: Wohnhaus Selnaustrasse, Zürich
64 Holzer Kobler Architekturen, mit ANS Architekten: focusTerra
66 Dietrich|Untertrifaller mit Christof Stäheli: Sport Center Science City, Zürich
70 Diener & Diener: Einkaufszentrum Stücki, Basel-Keinhüningen
76 Max Dudler: Jakob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum, Berlin
84 Santiago Calatrava: Bahnhof Liège-Guillemins

Swiss Unlimited
90 Sigmar Polke: Fenster im Grossmünster, Zürich
92 Claudia Dische: Umbau Hauptsitz Valiant Privatbank, Bern
94 HHF Architekten: Confiserie Bachmann, Basel
96 XPACE architektur: Copper Fish, Luxemburg-Stadt
98 Glowacka Rennie Architects mit Felice Varini: Damentoiletten des Victoria and Albert Museum, London
100 Oliver Domeisen / Architectural Association Diploma Unit 13: The Four Elements of Ornament
103 Atelier Dirtyhands und Giganto: mini minaret

100 fsai
106 Interview: MADE Interviewed Laurent Stalder interviews Made in
110 Junge Schweizer Architektinnen und Architekten: Zita Cotti
114 Neues aus der Industrie
119 Lieferbare Hefte
120 Vorschau und Impressum

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